| | Since
Koinonia Fellowship is committed to spiritual growth in the body of
Christ, we have listed several different articles from our series Basic
Bible Doctrine as well as introductions to New Testament books. This
web site even has a section for those difficult questions which arise
because of the Christian faith. We hope
that these publications will help you to grow closer to our Lord Jesus
- Basic Bible Doctrine
This series was written to help believers understand the basic
teachings of the Christian faith. This series is ideal for new
converts and anyone who is curious about what the Bible teaches.
- Introductions to New Testament Books
These introductions provide a solid foundation for studying the
books of the New Testament. They equip the believer with the
context in which each book was written. Each book describes the
author, date and destination, characteristics, purpose and structure.
- By the way, why...
As Christians grow in their faith, there are always questions
which arise. Furthermore, when God's people study His word,
there are times when certain passages or verses can be
problematic. This new section of the web page will attempt to
deal with these questions. To submit a question, click the link above.